Dr Craig Ramlal completed his BSc(e) in Electrical and Computer Engineering, MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Control Systems Major) and his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering split site with the University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago and the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. A few of his impactful work includes working as a regional coordinator for developing open data strategies for Caribbean countries with the support of the IDRC, NIHERST, and NASA. He served as the principal investigator for developing ventilators, robotic systems and decontamination units with officials from the Ministry of Health and researchers from the University of Florida to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 spread. With researchers from Tallinn University, he developed Industrial Diagnostic tools with deep learning for Estonia's national grid and with Rutger’s University researchers designed corporative robotic systems to transport objects on deformable materials. He currently leads the control systems group, serves as the principal investigator of the Intelligent Systems Lab and co-investigator in the ARC labs research group at the UWI and is a technical advisor to regional AI-related policies. His research focuses on Intelligent Control Strategies, Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory.